Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SplitSize64 property
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control properties > SplitSize64 property


The SplitSize64 property let you create multi-part zip files , or lets you limit the amount of data written to each disk when creating a spanned zip file. This property works the same way as the SplitSize property but accepts 64-bit values. It is useful to create split zip files where parts needs to be larger than 4 gigabytes.

Listed below are the effects of the SplitSize64 property depending on the value of the SpanMultipleDisks property:  

SpanMultipleDisks property value Effect of the SplitSize property
xcdNever If the SplitSize property is set to zero (0), the library will create regular zip files (not spanned, not multi-part).

If the SplitSize property is set to a non-zero value, any zip files created by the library will be written to the destination folder in the form of a multi-part zip file. Each part's size (in bytes) will be equal to the value indicated by the SplitSize property, except for the last part which may be smaller. The file representing the first part of the zip file will have the ".zip" filename extension, while the remaining parts will be have the extensions ".z02", ".z03", and so on. These zip file parts are identical to spanned zip files, except that they are not located on different removable media disks and each part has a different filename.
xdsAlways or xdsRemovableDrivesOnly If the SplitSize property is set to zero (0), the library will create spanned zip files that will attempt to fill up all the available space on each floppy disk or removable media. (The FirstDiskFreeSpace property can affect the amount of free space left on the first disk, though.)

If the SplitSize property is set to a non-zero value, the amount of data written to each floppy disk or removable media is limited to the amount specified in the SplitSize property.

Data type

64-bit Integer

Possible values

0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (0xFFFF,FFFF,FFFF,FFFF) or
0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (0x7FFF,FFFF,FFFF,FFFF) for languages with signed integers such as VB

Default value


Declaration (DLL API)  

UINT64 XzGetSplitSize64( HXCEEDZIP hZip )

void XzSetSplitSize64( HXCEEDZIP hZip, UINT dwValue )


You can use the SplitSize64 property in conjunction with the SpanMultipleDisks property to create spanned zip files that are limited to a specific size and do not necessarily fill up the entire removable media disk.

The SplitSize, SplitSizeHigh and SplitSize64 properties refer to the same 64-bit value: SplitSize accesses the low 32 bits of the value, SplitSizeHigh accesses the high 32 bits of the value, while the SplitSize64 accesses the entire 64 bits of the value at the same time.

For information on how to convert to and from 64-bit values, refer to the 64-bit values topic.

Applicable methods

Zip, Convert

Related properties

SplitSize, SplitSizeHigh, SpanMultipleDisks